Table Tennis


Sports Centre at 43 Chełmońskiego street.


Registration through the current registration system.


11.00-12.30 mgr Daria Łuczakowska
12.30-14.00 mgr Daria Łuczakowska

9.30-11.00 mgr Daria Łuczakowska
11.00-12.30 mgr Daria Łuczakowska

Additional information:

Changing rooms are available 15 minutes before classes.


No health contraindications to participate in physical education classes.
Own a table tennis racket.


Mastering the basics of game technique and tactics. Eliminating mistakes, improving the acquired skills and learning new more complex elements of the game. Improving forhand and backhand strokes. To master the technique including the ability to change the ball rotation, length, strength, direction and the type of rebound. The aim of the course is to improve motor skills specific for table tennis: speed, endurance and strength.

  • Organization of the class. Discussing health and safety rules.
  • Practicing games connected with perfecting backhand and forhand shots.
  • Practicing alternating backhand-forhand shots - repetition.
  • Practicing alternating backhand-forward bounce with a change of position.
  • Learning and perfecting to hit the ball with advancing rotation.
  • Learning and perfecting the block.
  • Learning and perfecting top spin forhend and top spin backhand.
  • Defending with lob and undercut.
  • Control games, refereeing.