

Sports Centre at 43 Chełmońskiego street.


Registration through the current registration system.


14.30-16.00 mgr Jan Ciesielski

Additional information:

Changing rooms are available 15 minutes before classes
Classes are designed for men.


No health contraindications to participate in physical education classes.
Classes are for MEN ONLY.


During the classes students improve basic tactical and technical skills and ways to play the ball in attack and defense. Motor skills such as endurance and speed are developed. Students learn the detailed rules of futsal game.

  • Organization of the class. Discussing health and safety rules.
  • Learning and perfecting the basic elements of the game: techniques of leading the ball, receiving the ball with the sole and the inside part of the foot, passing the ball and shooting at the goal. To learn and improve individual elements of the game in the form of games and simplified games. To learn about rules in futsal and apply them during the game.
  • Learning to move in defense and attack, learning tactical options in attack. Perfecting the interaction of players in attack in the form of simplified games, small games and the game proper.